Word Sense Disambiguation of WordNet Glosses is an ongoing work aiming to automatically acquire new knowledge (semantic relations) from WordNet by performing WSD on the WordNet glosses.
For further information about this package please check this README
WSD of WordNet Glosses: [tar.gz]
This package is distributed under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license. You can find it at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
Chihuailaf R., Castillo M., Blanco G., Ledesma A. and Rigau G. OptimizaciĆ³n del Algoritmo de WSD SSI-Dijkstra. Encuentro Chileno de ComputaciĆ³n 2013 (ECC2013). Temuco, Chile. 2013.